Don’t Throw Stones

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

I’ve always struggled with that aphorism.

Is the glass-house owner throwing the stone from inside their house or outside? I mean, are they throwing the stone at someone else’s glass house or is it more metaphorical than that?

The stone is an insult or a judgement.
The glass house is the fragile ego… right? Or is something about oneself they want to hide? Then why live in a see-through house?

Does it make more sense if they are throwing the stone at a person awhile inside their own house? But that would imply the lesson, you’ll hurt yourself when you hurt others. Whereas – if they are throwing the stone at someone else’s glass house – the lesson is, be wary of retribution. Meaning, your insult will lead to your being insulted right back.

I guess in the end, the point is – Don’t throw stones. Either way- you’re going to end up with a lot of broken glass to clean up.